Kamperland "De Schotsman" project 2 phase

Kamperland Schotsman project 2 phase

On September 3 the second phase of the construction of the bungalows for holiday park RCN "De Schotsman" has started, after a summer break in which the park was fully operational.

In the first six months of 2018, 42 "Lake" bungalows where handed over to the customer, and during summer 2018, 28 of them where used by families who could enjoyed  their vacation in one of these, by ArchiSmart constructed, 4,6 or 8 persons bungalows. 

Due customer decisions, the project has slipped about 2.5 month from the original scedule. This did create many challenges for the ArchiSmart construction team. 


Struggling with the harsh weather conditions and working to minimizing the backlog in the schedule, already the guests could use a part of Lake 4 and 6 bungalow during the Easter holidays. 

After that, the ArchiSmart team went into speed and as mushrooms one after the other bungalow raished from the ground. 

For our customer and their regular guests it was an enormous surprize to see how much the park was changed within this six month. The demolishing of the 56 outdated bungalows and the rising of the new, in ArchiSmart system 4, 6 or 8 persons bungalows.